Big Brother has cheered up the housemates by announcing that, despite incurring four fails, they have passed the Self-Improvement Task.

"For this week's Shopping Task, housemates embarked on a journey of enlightenment and self-discovery," Big Brother boomed, "as they attempted to improve their minds, bodies and souls."

The housemates laughed.

"Housemates passed the mind test and incurred no fails," Big Brother informed them.

"We hear you, brother!" Amanda quipped.

"For the body test, as Carole and Tracey didn't complete the assault course in the required time, housemates incurred two fails," intoned Big Brother.

"Sorry guys," Carole apologised.

Housemates incurred a third fail for failing to improve their collective Body Test score, and Liam cost the group another fail for communicating verbally with other housemates during the Colour Therapy Test.

But housemates passed the Soul Test with flying colours - and so passed the Self-Improvement Task overall.

"Yay!" the housemates cheered, clapping and hugging each other.

"High five!" yelled Brian.

But then Big Brother dropped a bombshell: "However, as Guru housemates are supreme housemates without need for material possessions, they must remain in their Guru robes until further notice."

"What?!" screamed the twins, outraged, while the other housemates rushed off to get changed.

Come on, guys - surely reigning supreme is some compensation?!