It was old news that some new blood was on its way, but Big Brother always manages to pull a surprise out of the bag...

Instead of arriving in the usual limo style, the new halfway housemates were lurking in the audience!

Davina revealed them to be Amy, Jonty, Shanessa, David and Kara-Louise. Subjected to a thorough security search - though some of them clearly weren't carrying any contraband! - they were finally allowed through the hallowed portals and into the House.

But not for long...

It was a fleeting visit, as the halfway housemates were told to make their way through the Store Room, to their very own (halfway) House.

As soon as they were safely inside, the original housemates were allowed out of the Bedroom to witness newbie David in the Diary Room.

Hailing from Scotland, David had to wear a kilt, but was eager to reassure Big Brother, saying "don't worry, I won't do a Sharon Stone on you."

Phew, what a night!

David is the first halfway housemate to be permitted to meet the old gang, but will any of the others get the chance?