Gerry has been probing Carole and Seany about why they chose to give the £100,000 to Liam.

As the other housemates sat around the dinner table, Gerry, Carole and Seany talked about the earlier cash giveaway.

"We never heard the dialogue..." Gerry said, referring to the moment the three nominated housemates went into the Diary Room.

"We knew you were watching because we heard you shouting," said Carole.

"It was a huge decision," Gerry commented.

"An easy decision in the end," corrected Carole. "I felt quite relieved afterwards."

"Trying to pick between us," mused Gerry, "you had to do a wise choice, I think?"

"Yeah," murmured Carole. "I think they possibly could have predicted that because it was so difficult to choose people we'd choose the twins."

"We actually thought it was gonna be the twins," admitted Gerry, "but then we thought no, because you have to choose an individual."

Fascinated by this glimpse into the selection process, the conversation then moved onto how proud Seany's parents would be.

Which wasn't quite as interesting to Gerry, who promptly stopped talking.