Ziggy and Brian have been discussing why Liam deserved to win the £100,000.

"He's a good boy," said Ziggy. "Some people just have that way about them. Straight down the line. Very, very cool."

"I feel for Liam," said Brian. "People might be thinking he's trying to lay it on but he's not."

"No-one thinks that," said Ziggy. "Everyone's very lucky - the situation that we're in. It's a long way to go. This could be good on him or bad on him... but he's a big boy. Whatever happens he'll know what he's doing."

"It's a strange position to be in," Brian mused.

Going on to contemplate the paranoia of the nomination process the two guys heard an argument from elsewhere in the House.

"I want a cold beer," laughed Brian.

"That's what I want," agreed Ziggy.

"I was homesick last night," confessed Brian. "I went into the Diary Room and bawled my eyes out. I'm so embarrassed."

"I did that," reassured Ziggy. "The first day I got here I lost it."

"I was thinking so many things..." Brian started.

"Stop mate," Ziggy told him. "If you ever want anyone to talk to about it, I'll talk about it with you. It's not even an issue."

Who cares about a hundred grand, this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.