Liam has won the £100,000 in the Diary Room.

This week's three nominated housemates, Carole, Seany and Jonathan, were told to go to the Diary Room where they had just one minute to decide who they thought most deserved the £100,000.

Big Brother explained that because they had been nominated for eviction they were exempt from winning the money.

"Ziggy," Carole said without a second's thought.

"Laura," suggested Jonathan.

After all the debate sixty seconds will allow, the trio settled upon Liam, gave Big brother their verdict, and were then told to leave the Diary Room.

While the housemates think Liam has been given the whole Big Brother prize fund, what they don't know is that the winner of Big Brother will still receive the prize money that is rightfully theirs.

Stay tuned for all the housemates' reactions.

Especially Liam's.