"Thousands of people are feeling sorry for me right now," said Gerry, as he tried to dig himself out of the massive hole he'd shovelled for himself with Chanelle and Nicky. The pair were giving him a good coating, and what began as harmless banter was getting a bit out of hand. Gerry, don't you know you should never joke about a woman's figure?

"I don't believe you're unfit. I do believe you can do better," he said, referring to Chanelle's seven lengths in the pool. Chanelle wasn't having any of it.

Gerry left the room but Chanelle was getting more wound up.

"Gerry came in and made me feel stupid, tell her Nicky," said Chanelle to Tracey.

"He said she was so unfit," nodded Nicky.

"I don't like doing it with everyone watching," griped Chanelle.

"Get over yourself. You're in a house, It's a task," said Tracey. "Take it with a pinch of salt."

But the more Chanelle thought about it, the more she wound herself up. And Ziggy entering the bathroom was the final straw.

"Gerry really, really upset me," she sobbed. "He's really mean." Uh-oh, here comes Gerry.

"I've been in here trying to keep warm. Don't talk to me, you're picking on me. All you do it bitch at me," she barked at him. "Don't tell me to calm down in your patronising voice. You are rude and insulting."

"I'm going now," he said, leaving.

But Chanelle properly blew, shoving away Ziggy as her rant hit typhoon force.

"He said it in jest," said Carole, coming in to calm her down.

"It wasn't funny. He made me feel like a fat whale," Chanelle huffed.

Can't whales swim a bit better than seven lengths?