Just minutes into the House and already Gerry and Seany are up in front of Big Brother.

"Jeepers creepers!" exclaimed Seany as he saw the neon chair in the Diary Room. Gerry seemed equally fazed and shouted "hello" before asking Seany to join him on the chair.

"Sorry," apologised Gerry, "we are a bit overwhelmed by the love of all the people."

Big Brother asked the pair what it was like to be with their new housemates.

"It's fantastic," said Seany, still looking shell-shocked, "it's very colourful."

"It's a beautiful building," said Gerry. "It looks like a real house. We could get used to this."

Then came the reason for their visit to the Diary Room. They were given a large envelope containing info to read out to the other housemates.

What fiendish devilry was Big Brother up to?

"Could everybody gather on the sofa please," Se�ny announced as they returned to the lounge.

"Next week, only four housemates will be permitted to nominate," he read slowly. "Your new housemates, Gerry and Seany, will be two of them. Gerry and Seany will choose the two other housemates who will nominate alongside them. No other housemates will be permitted to nominate."

Cue a display of sucking up the likes of which has never been witnessed before... well, since Ziggy came in anyway...

Source: Channel4.com