What Big Brother promises, Big Brother delivers - and tonight it came in a double dose, as new housemates Gerry and Seany entered the House

Gerry was first out of the blocks, milking the crowd for all it was worth before entering the hallowed doors of the House.

"Calm down, it's only a TV show," he assured himself as he walked down the stairs, before saying hello to the first camera.

And then he walked into the House...

The effect was not unlike waving a stunned mackerel at a bunch of starved, performing seals. "Oh my god!" shrieked Sam and Amanda several times. "It's a bloke," shouted Chanelle giddily.

Then it suddenly dawned on Gerry... "Women!" he cried. "Lots of women! Beautiful women!"

When the cameras turned to Ziggy, he had his head in his hands.

Meanwhile, Seany was making his way through the crowds like a child that had eaten too many cola cubes. Even after he'd entered the main door, he darted back out again to give the crowd one last wave.

Then it was time to face the housemates. Or rather for them to meet him... Taking too long to get through the checked reception area, the girls came out searching for the source of noise.

Amid the second bout of screaming and shrieking, Seany was dragged into the House like a piece of steak thrown to a pool of alligators.

Shabnam leapt on him and draped herself around his neck, saying, "Don't look at me, I'm wearing no makeup." And only once the screaming had subsided did he manage to say, "I'm Seany."

"We've got men in the House," cheered Ziggy before Big Brother summoned the new Housemates to the Diary Room.

Surely they're not in trouble already...

Source: Channel4.com