Big Brother summoned Shabnam to the Diary Room this afternoon and told the nominated housemate to pack all her belongings. She was relaxing in the garden, choreographing a dance routine with the twins, when she was asked to come in.

"Shabnam," Big Brother began sternly.

"I don't like your tone of your voice," the make-up fan replied. "You're making me really scared."

"It is a fundamental rule of Big Brother that housemates must not discuss nominations," Big Brother continued.

"I never did apart from that one time," Shabnam protested.

"As you are aware, Ziggy and Emily chose you to be punished on their behalf. Next to you is your suitcase. You have 20 minutes to pack your belongings. You must pack everything. Do you understand?"

"Where am I going?" Shabnam asked warily.

"Your 20 minutes start now. The door is open," Big Brother replied, giving nothing away.

Maybe he's taken a shine to her stuff?
