Chanelle and Ziggy have begun to suss each other out late at night, following the male model's earlier Diary Room confession that he has the hots for the blonde.

Lying in adjacent beds, all it took was for Chanelle to say "tell me stuff," and just like a three-minute speed date, questions and answers were flying back and forth. Everything from Nicky's upcoming birthday to Ziggy's culinary skills cropped up in the conversation. Their eyes, full of affectionate looks, were perhaps saying more than the words though.

"What food can you cook?" Chanelle probed.

"A mean chicken wrap" Ziggy answered, confident that his cooking abilities would impress.

More small talk followed, with their makeshift speed date turning into an elongated nattering session. Chanelle then warned Ziggy: "If you get offended by people calling you stupid then get used to it, because I always say 'stupid'".

What predictably followed was a barrage of chirps involving tons of 'stupids' before Chanelle flirtatiously ended the conversation with a "goodnight stupid".

"Goodnight f*** face, goodnight girls" chirped cheeky Ziggy, aware that Emily and Laura were still awake in the bedroom and most probably eavesdropping.

With those eloquent words, the cheeky chat was over and sweet dreams beckoned. Could this be a case of Mars meets Venus?
