What's Lesley's idea of a hot Saturday night in? Eleven women, one man, a coffee table and a banana.


Lesley reckoned that if everyone was going to get along, then a meeting was in order. An opportunity to let everyone vent their spleens, raise important issues, get niggles off their chests. But they could only speak if they were holding a banana. And there was only one banana. Imagine.

"At the risk of sounding like a schoolteacher," said Lesley, sounding like a schoolteacher, "we have a wonderful facility here and all we do is moan."

Lesley proceeded to have a bit of a moan. "Has anyone got anything else they want to add?" she said, offering the banana.

"I think we should all get f***** and have a good night," shouted Charley.

"So do I," agreed Lesley

As the banana was passed around, Chanelle griped she didn't want to clean the toilets. Ziggy begged for some better sleeping arrangement and "a bit of my own space". Tracey was upset that everyone wasn't sticking to their jobs. And Carole got upset that no one was 'respecting each other'. You'd think it was week six already.

But Lesley thought the most important thing was that the girls weren't performing.

"Now girls I want a show. I want a show. Yes I do. When I came in that night, you were fabulous, and I thought this is what I've come for, do this, do this... ."

Most of the girls had by now got up and abandoned the meeting. But Lesley went to the twins.

"I want you jump on the furniture. Bounce. Show Ziggy!," cried Lesley.

The twins spontaneously launched into a chorus of song, as the meeting descended into a farce.

"Let's go into the garden and have a f****** good time," said Charley to Carole.

"I'm going to make a cup of tea," she replied. "And put some sensible shoes on."

Wonder what happened to the banana?

Source: Channel4.com