It's Saturday night and Lesley wants to party. No, really. Slightly miffed there's no party action in the House, Lesley wants the girls to get dressed up - even though there's nowhere to go.

Sitting on the sofa next to Shabnam, Lesley watched as the twins dilly-dallied about getting changed for the night. And it revved her up.

"I can't believe they don't know what to do," she muttered, before announcing to no one in particular. "Would it possible for us to have a house meeting fairly soon? I think it woud be a good idea, don't you? We've been here for...,"

"Three days," offered Amanda. But Lesley was on full throttle.

"...four-and-a-half years and it might be a good idea just to sit down and plan what we're going to do this evening. We should throw some ideas on the table. Otherwise I shall go to bed, and we'll just say old people always go to bed. But the truth of the matter is that old people like to be stimulated and entertained and engaged. So go off and do your bits and then we'll all come back here and make a plan."

Are you jive talking Lesley?

"That was so nicely said," was all Shabnam could manage.

"Go on," Lesley told the twins, shooing them into the bedroom. "Go and dress up."

She then repeated her plans a few more times before finally relenting.

Speechless, Shabnam studied her nails.

Lets get that disco inferno started.
