Lazing around the garden in the hot summer sun, the housemates decided to liven things up with a bit of memory testing and general knowledge.

Chanelle suggested they try to remember 20 different objects. "What shall we get Carole to do?" she trilled, "20 kitchen utensils?"

Carole dutifully obliged from the comfort of the swimming pool, "Knife, fork, spoon, salad server, garlic crusher, slice, spatula, sieve..."

Next it was colours for Charley: "Red, orange, purple, silver, grey, black, brown, peach, lilac, baby pink..."

That's when things got complicated. Chanelle suggested someone should try to name 20 types of animal. "But you can't say things like dinosaur," she explained, "because they're extinct."


Shabnam decided to take her turn and began, "fish, cat, dog... insect," before Carole interrupted: "You can't have insect."

What followed was a vigorous discussion about genus and subspecies that would have had Darwin doing cartwheels in his grave, kicked off by Shabnam suggesting, "bird?"

Carole: "You have to have a type of bird."

Emily: "You could do warm-blooded creatures."

Chanelle: "Snake?"

Shabnam: "A snake is a reptile. Frogs?"

Emily: "Frogs are amphibians."

Shabnam: "What's the other one? Vertebras, or whatever they're called, carnivores, herbivores and..."

Finally Carole played her trump card, hoping to snare a know-it-all, asking, "What's an omnivore?"

"A dinosaur!" shouted Chanelle.
