Nicky paid an early visit to the Diary Room this morning, to have a chat about last night's confrontation with Charley.

"I felt she was trying to intimidate me," she told Big Brother. "I offered to make her something but she said she wasn't bothered. I will not spend my time here being intimidated."

But, as Big Brother probed deeper, Nicky began to remember more about the evening...

"I think I was quite drunk last night," she confessed a little sheepishly. "Maybe 'cos I was a bit emotional, I thought people were more bothered about it than they were."

And the memories just kept on flooding back. "Maybe I made a big deal about it," she concluded. "Maybe Charley wasn't as bad as that and I thought she was. Maybe I was a bit over-sensitive, because I can be sometimes."

Nicky - when it comes to food in the Big Brother House, you can never be over-sensitive!
