Day 11: Nominations Rock the House


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Day 11: Nominations Rock the House

It's the second week of nominations and each housemate is instructed by Big Brother to nominate two of their fellow housemates to be up for eviction. The two or more housemates with the most nominations will face the public vote on Friday.

During his nominations, Matty comments: "It just makes me cringe when someone throws a tantrum who's an adult."

Meanwhile, Chanelle complains as she gives her nomination: "you don't want to get in her path when she's hungry."

Noky says in the Diary Room "It irritates me when you see someone taking and taking and taking but you don't see them giving back."

And Paul chooses to nominate Trish on the basis that he feels he is "getting lectured a little bit rather than just having a clear, open, light-hearted conversation."

Trish returns the favour by nominating Paul, stating that he is "emotionally not very intelligent." She went on to say: "There's no deepness to him. He's just not interesting in my opinion."

Who will be facing eviction? Find out tonight!

Also in this evening's episode, Jordan begins to open up to Matty about his journey with his sexuality.

"I'm glad to be here. Glad to be queer," Jordan tells Matty before discussing his coming out.

He shares candidly: "I came out to my mother the first night of university, screaming down the phone in the smoking area because there was this guy that I fancied.

"And I thought for some reason, if I come out to my mother this guy will want to…"

He goes on: "How I came out to my grandfather was even worse. Me and my mother, well we were both a little bit tipsy, and she thought it was pertinent to call my grandfather and announce…"

However, the boys' conversation is interrupted by the arrival of Zak who asks what they're talking about, however a bashful Jordan informs him: "Oh, it's too embarrassing to share so I won't share it at the moment."

Added 18-10-2023 by: Ian [Admin]


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