Day 9: Task: Happy Happy Happy Camp


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Day 9: Task: Happy Happy Happy Camp

After winning a luxury budget in last week's office-based challenge, this week the group will be spending some time away from the keyboard.

Yesterday in the house, Big Brother gathered the group outside in the autumn sunshine.

Big Brother announced: "Housemates welcome to Big Brother's happy, happy, happy camp.

"Over the next few days, you will be at at home with nature, living and breathing all things outdoors. Eat, drink, camp repeat."

"All you need to do is six back and relax and remain on my camp site 24/7 and you must remain happy, happy, happy"

Immediately seeming to ignore the rules was Kerry who complained to Big Brother: "Oh stop it"

With rows over food already, a basic shopping budget is sure to cause chaos for the group.

Added 18-10-2023 by: Ian [Admin]


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