Day 66 Round UpAdd comment Bookmark and Share

As the sun rose on the eve of the final eviction, there was still a bit of ill-feeling in the House, following Deana and Adam's fall-out after the Nommy Awards. Luckily, Deana swallowed her pride and her anger, and made up with Adam. Phew, it's nice to see the soldiers back on good terms. This seemed to open the floodgates, and Luke A apologised to Sara for calling her a predator.

With tomorrow being eviction day, it's no surprise that all things eviction are preying on the housemates' minds, with the group taking a trip down memory lane about the housemates they've loved and lost. Scott is understandably nervous about facing his first public vote, so asked Ashleigh for advice on how to handle it.

The talk turned to more grown-up matters as Scott, Luke S and Ashleigh talked kids, with Scott saying he really wants to have a son. Luke S stayed pretty quiet in this conversation, while Scott waxed lyrical about encyclopaedias and rugby. It was a pretty sunny day, so Scott, Ashleigh and Sara took the chance to have a nice cooling frolic in the pool.

As if to unite the housemates after the Nommy Awards backlash, Big Brother set them a limbo task, where they could win drink and treats for that evening. The housemates came together to toast their good fortune at reaching the final. Allowed music for the first time in quite a while, the housemates had a jolly good boogie before splitting off into their groups once the music was over, though Sara took the chance to air some disagreement with Lushleigh.

Of course, it wouldn't be the same if there wasn't some form of extreme grooming going on, so Luke S shaved Scott's legs for him. What a good friend.

Added 10-08-2012 by: Ian [Admin]

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