Harry Talk to LouiseAdd comment Bookmark and Share

Yesterday morning, gossip spread round the house due to rumour that Harry had called Louise stupid. It all started from a conversation that Harry and Aaron had about Louise, which Anton and Jay saw in the crypt. Earlier, Harry decided to attempt to nip the potentially volatile situation in the bud by explaining his interpretation of events to Louise. Confused? We are too.

Harry approached Louise in the bathroom to explain things. He said that she wasn't what he terms a 'stereotypical model', adding that he didn't think she was stupid. She responded by saying that she was annoyed initially, but that he can think what he wants: she was impressed by his honesty in coming to tell her.

Although she said that there are far worse things he could have done, the model clearly has changed her perception after hearing of Harry's version of events. While Louise was planning on going to see Harry once the show was over, she's told Jay that she won't anymore. It seems that the crypt is still very much having its effect on the house.

Added 21-10-2011 by: Ian [Admin]

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